Nick Tiratsoo's Posts

Tower Hamlets’ grand finale: ‘four brave Davids beat the lying corrupt Goliath’

The judge’s verdict is here: It’s long but worth reading, not just because of the comparisons that inevitably arise with Waltham Forest, but also because there are barbs in all directions, especially concerning the Labour Party’s modi operandi; the way that the ‘left’... »

LBWF and asbestos: how those potentially most affected are treated

A correspondent who worked in the Town hall for a number of years writes as follows: ‘After over a dozen emails and three interventions by my councillor…and after filling in a form (which was more suitable for a manager reporting on an industrial accident in their department) I have now been told the types of asbestos to which I may have been exposed. Talk about jumping through hoops !... »

Tower Hamlets, yet again

Another great story from Ted Jeory: »

LBWF spinners

A recent Press Gazette story highlights the large number of press officers and other communications staff who are now employed in local government – see here Its author, William Turvill, has been kind enough to send me the figures for Waltham Forest. Apparently, there are cur... »

‘Our Olympics’: (3) The Cann Hall – Cathall – Leytonstone – Wanstead 2012 Dispersal Order (DO)

The final piece in this Olympics trilogy is about policing. It’s my experience that the police in Waltham Forest for the most part escape serious scrutiny, and for that reason I’ll be looking at their functioning and performance in some detail over the coming months. To start the ball rolling, here is a piece I wrote in December 2012 about the Dispersal Order that was imposed on South ... »

‘Our Olympics’: (2) The National Construction College’s Cathall Rd. facility

The National Construction College’s facility in Cathall Rd., on the Leyton-Leytonstone border, was presented by LBWF as the jewel in the crown of Waltham Forest’s Olympic legacy. Looking like a super IKEA, looming over the surrounding buildings, and hyped by every Labour hack from Cathall Councillor Terry Wheeler to the Leader himself, here was something, the patter ran, that really was goin... »

‘Our Olympics’: (1) LBWF and Leyton Market – the Council wins a ‘gold medal for ineptitude’

In the immediate run-up to the start of the Olympic Games in July 2012, LBWF proudly promoted a ‘new international food market’ in Marshall Street, adjacent to Leyton underground station, and, more important, metaphorically ‘just a stone’s throw away from the Olympic stadium’. In a press release, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Corporate Resources, Cllr. Mark Rusling, enthused: ‘This i... »

‘Our Olympics’: an introduction

Waltham Forest was, of course, one of the ‘Olympic Boroughs’, and LBWF predictably milked that fact for all it was worth. From the ‘Big Six’ events (handily organised by the Manchester based Co-operative Event Management), to the outburst of civic pride that greeted the arrival of the torch, to the constant harping on ‘legacy’, no opportunity was missed to spread the message that the Town Hall bri... »

Town Hall asbestos: now John Cryer MP comments, well sort of

In his March 2015 E-bulletin, the somnolent MP for Leyton and Wanstead John Cryer comments as follows: ‘I was troubled by some reports which have surfaced online about how Waltham Forest Council dealt with the discovery of asbestos at the Town Hall. This had the potential to cause ordinary council workers, officers and the councillors themselves serious, chronic health problems. I met with t... »

Town Hall asbestos: LBWF comments, at last: UPDATED

Stop press: Mr Fenwick provides a full reply to our e-mail of 20 March 2015.   26 March 2015 ‘Dear Mr Tiratsoo, Thank you for your email. Its contents are noted. The Council has provided a response to your original queries and explained the relationship between NPS(London) Ltd and the Council. Daniel Fenwick Director of Governance’   20 March 2015 ‘Dear Mr. Fenwick, Tha... »

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