Nick Tiratsoo's Posts

The E11 BID Co.: strike off discontinued, but accounts still overdue

According to Companies House, the Registrar has discontinued the compulsory strike-off of the E11 BID Co.. On the other hand, the visitor who uses the Companies House webpages to check on the E11 BID Co.’s progress is still greeted by the following: As I’ve pointed out before, it does seem strange that an organisation which depends solely for its income on the hard work of local trader... »

Cllr. Liaquat Ali: an update

In the last couple of days, both Private Eye (‘Haq Attack’, see below) and the Waltham Forest Guardian have published versions of the Ali-Haq story. It is notable that the latter does not mention Senator Haq’s rantings about ‘Jews and Christians’, spineless journalism at its worst. Meanwhile, a rumour going round the Town Hall is that Mayor Khan has declined to re-app... »

Save Highams Park’s Library campaign – resident groups demolish LBWF’s business case

Oliver Shykles writes as follows: ‘I chair the Highams Park Forum which is working together with the Highams Park Planning Group and The Highams Park Society to protest against LBWF proposals which could drastically affect library provision in Highams Park. At the time of writing, 3,956 people involved with Highams Park have signed a detailed petition against the Council’s scheme, whil... »

More on Selwyn Primary School in Highams Park

A local resident writes: ‘As your blog has previously noted, LBWF plans to demolish our impressive Edwardian Primary School and replace it with a new “modular” prefab alternative, which has been described on the BBC website as an “Austerity school”.  It is confirmed that this proposal will go to the council’s Planning Committee on 12 July. As you have reported, too, SAVE Br... »

George Tomlinson Primary School, Leytonstone, again

A previous post (see link below) looked briefly at George Tomlinson primary school in Leytonstone, and the fears of some that it was surreptitiously being prepared for academisation. Since then, much has changed. The school has new governors, and a new management team, the latter led by Executive Head Lynne Harrowell. However, the sense of general unease seems if anything to have increased. Variou... »

Cllr. Liaquat Ali boobs again

The Waltham Forest Guardian today quotes Cllr. Liaquat Ali pontificating about community safety: ‘“Our sense of community and of belonging, and the need to always treat others with respect, helps to make Waltham Forest such a great place to call home. We’ve been shocked and saddened to see the various news reports that have emerged in the aftermath of the EU Referendum result, indicating a r... »

Selwyn Primary School in Highams Park: now heritage experts SAVE makes the case for a re-think

A previous post (see link below) raises concerns about LBWF’s plans to rebuild Selwyn Primary School in Highams Park. Now SAVE Britain’s Heritage (‘a group of architectural historians, writers, journalists and planners’ which aims to provide ‘a strong, independent voice in conservation, free to respond rapidly to emergencies and to speak out loud for the historic buil... »

The Evening Standard publishes new revelations about the Cllr. Ahsan Khan affair UPDATED

The Evening Standard yesterday rendered a public service by publishing further information about Cllr. Ahsan Khan’s proclivity for surepticiously handing out community ‘awards’ (as he describes them), using the Mayor’s Parlour, with the Mayor of course present. The full story is here: »

Waltham Forest Labour and democratic debate in the neighbourhoods

Some years ago, the average resident of Cann Hall (where I live) who aspired to have a say in how the neighbourhood developed could do so via the local ward forum, and also the Leytonstone Community Council (which embraced Cathall and Leytonstone wards, as well). Both bodies had official status, were serviced by LBWF officers, and received finance from the Town Hall to support modest measures of a... »

Cllr. Tim Bennett-Goodman resigns the Labour Whip

Word reaches me that Cllr. Tim Bennett-Goodman has resigned the Labour Whip, for reasons spelt out in his letter, below. It is a sad day for the Labour Party. Prior to becoming a councillor, Tim Bennett-Goodman had a long history of community-based activity in Waltham Forest, and was widely recognised for both his integrity and his commitment to improving the area. It says much about the current s... »

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