
Momentum in Waltham Forest: the promise and the reality UPDATED

As is well known by now, Momentum promises a ‘new politics’, one characterised by, amongst other things, openness, transparency, and enhanced democratic participation. Since this blog has always supported such unarguably laudable values, it is worth asking whether the Momentum group here in Waltham Forest is walking the walk, that is living up to the aims of the organisation as a whole. Predictably, Momentum Waltham Forest communicates most extensively on Facebook, and so an obvious starting point is to look at what it has been posting. The bulk of the material revolves around calls to support a familiar array of left-wing causes – from the striking rail unions and the junior doctors, via th... »

Dave Hill on ‘Mini-Holland’ in Enfield

Writing for his blog, the Guardian‘s Dave Hill, who has his favourites but is sometimes moderately iconoclastic, surveys how ‘Mini-Holland’ is evolving in our neighbour, Enfield: One sentence jumps out: ‘Meeting Rogers [‘Clare Rogers, local resident and mainstay of a group called Better Streets for Enfield’] made a nice change from encountering cycling zealots on social media, whose sanctimony, viciousness and weird conspiracy theories – these from the core of a privileged social stratum – never cease to amaze’. ‘Sanctimony’, &... »

STOP PRESS: Coghill replaces Robbins as Labour Group Leader

Labour councillors have just completed voting for their new Group Leader, and the results are as follows: Clare Coghill 30 Nadeem Ali 9 Gerry Lyons 1 Two of those eligible to vote did not attend (one was away, one sick) while another is currently suspended. It is said that Gerry Lyons’ single vote was cast by….Gerry Lyons. Amusement aside, however, it will be interesting to see what if any changes Cllr. Coghill now institutes. Will she act on her ‘little list’? Will there be a ‘new direction’? Or is she, as some have suggested, simply a more human face for the old, and now discredited,  Loakes-Robbins show pony? I am reminded that in a 2015 post (‘Cl... »

George Tomlinson Primary School, Leytonstone: the spectre of ‘academisation’ persists?

Earlier posts have reported on recent events at George Tomlinson Primary School in Leytonstone, and in particular noted the apprehension of some parents, teachers and onlookers that it is being prepared for ‘academisation’, perhaps by stealth. The development that first triggered such anxieties – the involvement of The Lime Academy Trust in the management of the school – has now come to an end, but as several correspondents have reminded me, this has by no means re-established a satisfactory status quo. What in part is fuelling the fire at this juncture is the governing body’s appointment of one Dr. Mathew Laban as interim associate headteacher and staff governor. For Dr. Laban turns out to ... »

Waltham Forest’s Mini-Holland: an imminent exposé?

I recently stumbled across this video about Mini-Holland (MH) on YouTube: What is perhaps of more interest is the following statement that its creator has placed on Facebook: ‘This video is a response to the feedback from ENJOY WALTHAM FOREST in regards to MH. The feedback claims that residents are happy with the scheme. This is perversely misleading; the scheme has actually torn Walthamstow into two parts. The claims have now prompted other areas of the UK to follow suit and implement a MH. This video is here to highlight the feelings of local residents. It is made in order to tell you what the MH lawmakers are not telling you…Several ... »

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