
STOP PRESS Leytonstone’s E11 BID Co. Ltd. threatened with prosecution

As this blog has demonstrated at length, Leytonstone’s E11 BID Co. Ltd. has become a byword for bad management, and a ‘couldn’t care less’ attitude to the norms of polite society. Slipshod book-keeping, failure to pay taxes, accrual of large debts, late filing of accounts, adverse County Court Judgements, insouciance about explaining how it has spent its money – the E11 BID Co. Ltd.’s litany of oversights and misdemeanours tells its own reprehensible story. And to add insult to injury, when aggrieved traders, who after all still continue to pick up the bill for this charade, have asked for help from the higher echelons of LBWF, they have been met with indi... »

‘Knife crime in Waltham Forest: a nasty little scandal’ UPDATED

In May 2017, this blog published a post entitled ‘Knife crime in Waltham Forest: a nasty little scandal (1)’, which, somewhat unexpectedly, attracted a big readership. What follows provides an update, focusing both on knife crime specifically, and the broader (though intimately related) issue of gangs and gang violence. First off, and very regrettably, it is worth underlining that the knife crime problem in the borough is actually worse now than it was at the time of the original post. Indeed, in FY 2017-18, the number of offences was 27.34 per cent up on the previous year, a rise that was significantly greater than that in the Metropolitan Police Service area as a whole (21.17), and compare... »

How local government works: (1) LBWF and Mears

1. In February 2018, the LBWF Cabinet agrees to set up ‘a joint venture with Mears Limited to acquire 400 properties to let to those living in temporary accommodation or on the Council’s housing register’. 2. In June 2018, Mears sponsors a ‘think tank’ session at Housing 2018, ‘Europe’s largest and most inclusive housing festival’, which includes a heavyweight Waltham Forest presence: NB There is no suggestion that either Mr. Welsh or Cllr. Mitchell gained financially from this appearance, with for example the latter’s ‘gifts and hospitality’ entry for the period recording only a discount from the Orient: »

Cllr. Johar Khan: the prince of pranksters hits the skids?

Cllr. Johar Khan, the Labour member for Markhouse, has always been a bit of a card. Spats with colleagues and adversaries, political implosions, party defections, suspensions, investigations, big posh cars, personalised number plates, flash weddings, and an impish way with facts – his back pages feature the lot. Who, for instance, could forget the time when, as finance director, he reassured his colleagues at a January 2011 E11 BID Co. board meeting that ‘All VAT, PAYE and tax matters had now been brought up to date’, only for the company’s spoilsport accountant to conclude some months later that ‘During the course of our audit we noted that the company has employees but does not have a payr... »

Leytonstone’s E11 BID Co: still more controversy

Over the years, this blog has regularly reported on the travails of the E11 BID Co. Ltd. (hereafter BID ONE), a private company that was specially set up in 2007 to run Leytonstone’s Business Improvement District (BID). In some ways, that this has been merited is quite surprising. The financial and operating model that BID ONE initially set out to follow was hardly complicated. As part of the legislation that set up the BID area, LBWF was charged with collecting an annual levy (calculated as a percentage of rateable value) from local traders, and then passing it over to BID ONE. All BID ONE had to do was spend it purposefully, for instance by making the streets cleaner, safer, and in g... »

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