
The Whitefield School child abuse scandal: an update

On 27 November 2024, the LBWF Leader Cllr. Grace Williams released a statement on Whitefield School which included the following: ‘We have worked closely with the academy trust, Ofsted, Department for Education, and NHS to support the police investigation. Now that the criminal investigation into staff at Whitefield has concluded, safeguarding partners will commission an independent expert to carry out a Local Children Safeguarding Practice Review to ensure the lessons of this distressing case are learned’.  In passing, the timing of this statement is puzzling.  The casual reader might imagine that ‘the criminal investigation into staff at Whitefield’ to which Cllr. Williams refers... »

LBWF’s Violence Reduction Partnership aims to reduce knife crime, but after 5 years, £6.6m. of funding, and only disappointing results, it urgently needs a re-think

In the middle years of the 2010s, there was escalating public disquiet in Waltham Forest about violent crime, particularly knife crime involving local youth, with newspaper reports focusing on both the volume of offences and the fact that the only a small number of perpetrators were being prosecuted (see links, below).  Accordingly, in November 2018, and largely as a response, LBWF launched a Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP), comprising its own staff and representatives of the police, schools, the heath service, the voluntary sector, businesses and the wider community, in order ‘to tackle violence and its root causes’, with, it was emphatically stated, ‘the wellbeing of young people at t... »

Private Eye reports LBWF’s latest fire safety scandal, the fact that, seven years after Grenfell, only one of its 63 low-rise and high-rise blocks of flats is fire safe

From Private Eye 1638 6-19 December 2024 »

The Whitefield School child abuse scandal: the BBC publishes more awful revelations

The BBC has just published more awful revelations about the Whitefield School child abuse scandal, which can be read here: For the background to the scandal, and a timeline of events, see links, below. It should not be forgotten that (a) LBWF was involved at every stage of the scandal, but kept its deliberations and interventions for the most part away from public scrutiny. Thus, to give a flavour, in the crucial period 2017 to 2021, the relevant scrutiny committee minutes make no mention of Whitefield School at all, and nor is the scandal referenced in the annual reports of the Waltham Forest Safeguarding Children Board. (b) At the time o... »

More on LBWF’s failure to keep tenants in its low-rise and high-rise housing blocks safe from fire

A few weeks ago, and in response to a Freedom of Information Act question, LBWF released further data about the remediation programme it is running to address the fire safety defects which exist in all but one of its 63 low-rise and high-rise housing blocks. Unsurprisingly, given that this programme started in 2020, the data shows that in the years that have elapsed there has been some tangible progress. But what’s striking is how much more needs to be done, even as regards the most pressing issues. To start with the headline figures, while the number of ‘high’ or ‘medium’ risk defects that are classified as ‘overdue’ has gradually fallen from a peak of 4,431 in January 2020, the comparative... »

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