Cllr. Liaquat Ali boobs again
The Waltham Forest Guardian today quotes Cllr. Liaquat Ali pontificating about community safety:
‘“Our sense of community and of belonging, and the need to always treat others with respect, helps to make Waltham Forest such a great place to call home. We’ve been shocked and saddened to see the various news reports that have emerged in the aftermath of the EU Referendum result, indicating a rise in incidents of hate crime in some areas.This is not a trend we’ve experienced in Waltham Forest. But, we remain vigilant and continue to actively promote community cohesion, signpost support services and work with local partners, including Waltham Forest Police, to ensure our streets are safe for all who live, work and visit here.”’
So who is the rather corpulent figure seen here (extreme left) at a recent award ceremony in the Mayor’s Parlour for Senator Sirajul Haq (wearing white), a far right-wing Pakistani politician who believes ‘Jews’ are controlling the UN, rants about the ‘blasphemous acts and conspiracies of Christians and Jews’, and in relation to proposed laws aimed at protecting women from violence, advances the bizarre theory that ‘the West’ has an ‘agenda to destroy the family system in Pakistan’?
Yes, its Cllr. Liaquat Ali!
What a buffoon.