Waltham Forest Pool and Track: non-consultation and what we can do about it
Ian Capes and Amanda Connolly write:
‘Some of you may be aware that GLL and the Council are redeveloping Waltham Forest Pool & Track. A few of us locals are concerned that they haven’t run a meaningful consultation. The new plans (due to be approved in the next month) show a reduction in facilities; for the disabled, the elderly and parents and toddlers, along with taking away the diving pool. We are also hearing that the Dog Track Redevelopment are reducing their planned leisure facility, as they will be investing in the Pool & Track, so why are we loosing any facilities at all? There is an online petition to demand a meaningful consultation with all residents, clubs and schools that used this centre. We are also in the process of trying to find a venue to run a community event, where we can all discuss our concerns and try to inform as many people as possible about what has actually happened to date. We will be letting you know when/where that is as soon as we know. All we are asking for is for our Council to talk to us about the project before making changes, it feels crazy that we need to generate an online petition to make that happen! We are about half way to our target, so please share with as many locals as possible. Thank you’.
The petition is here:
For what it is worth, ‘consultation’ in the borough over the years frequently has been risible, and its great to see it being vigorously challenged in this case.